Saturday, April 18, 2009

dude,why do you think...

that just because you and your chick no longer go out that you can be slick and try to like me again????HELL NO MOFO!!!!! lmao! Me+rebound chick=NOOO! i think not. you had your chance, but you decided to settle for you may realize that, and now you tryin to get in where you fit in? nuh-uh. sorry. this game you are trying to play isnt workin for me homeskillet. what am i, a dumb ass? no. and he knows that. and if he doesnt, then he is about to.

Friday, April 10, 2009

funny how things turn out.

sometimes you regret things when something happens even if someone did something to you and not vice versa. you think"damn, i wish i wouldve done things differently, or that it never even happened." but eventually when you stop searching for the answers to all those questions you once had, they come to you outta nowhere. I stopped thinking about what upset me in the past, stopped wondering and looking for answers...then i found out everything i had onced longed to that im over it lmao. and, i found out in the most unexpected way... in a song.

funny how things turn out.
damn, i love music.